Thursday, February 17, 2005

Alberta Social Forum

We're scheduled to host a session at the Alberta Social Forum.

Saturday, February 26, 2005
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Location: ST 130 (Science Theatres Building, University of Calgary (map).

While admission is free, people are being encouraged to register in advance.

There's an excellent range of other sessions being offered at the Forum, with space also being provided to add sessions on the fly as people make interesting connections during the Forum.
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Sunday, February 13, 2005

Books by bell hooks

bell hooks is an African-American feminist writer, educator and theorist. Some of my favorites among her excellent works include:

 Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center (descriptive Amazon entry on hooks' Feminist Theory) which is a great book for exploring feminism and other aspects of movements challenging the various modes of oppression. I would put this on my list of 5 most essential activist books.

 At Saturday's meet, I mentioned The will to change: men, masculinity, and love (descriptive Amazon entry on hooks' Will to Change). I strongly recommend it, especially for men (although women will find it interesting too). The book addresses a lot about the divide that patriarchy creates between men and health emotions, including love. It's identifies some excellent reasons why it is in the best interests of men to challenge (and hopefully contribute to the eradication of) patriarchy.
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Friday, February 11, 2005

Horton Hears a Who - the Activist Bible

 Dr. Seuss' classic Horton Hears a Who (more descriptive Amazon entry on Horton) is what I consider to be the essential text on being an activist.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Calgaryjammers web links is a website that provides some interesting web-link tracking services.

You can set up a personal account (free) and use it to add links. The thing that really distinguishes it are the tags you can assign to links. Among other things, you can then search based on the tags to find relevant links (not just from your own collection, but from everyone using the site).

I've started using the tag "calgaryjammers" to flag links that may be of interest to folks in our local Adbusters groups.

This works for Technorati Tags, too.
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Sunday, February 6, 2005

Saturday, February 5, 2005

Virgin blogger

*pop* Guess I'm no longer "new" to this. More random thoughts of a cycling junkie to follow.



Welcome to this Blog

This blog is for folks who've been coming to the Calgary Adbusters/Culturejammers meets.

The intent is for people to post links to useful internet resources (such as sticker templates, information sources, etc.) and relevant books and other media.

Rather than a discussion board, this is supposed to be a compilation of useful resources.